Robert Louis Juers

08/19/1946 ~ 04/16/1995

Robert Louis Juers was like a big party bear.  Almost intimidating in his strength, but still a relatively quiet, gentle & forthright guy.  I didn’t see him a whole lot after he moved to California & I moved back to NY, so I have very few pictures of him, other than those that are here… Hopefully some of you have some?

Bob, as he was known, was born in a taxi cab in front of Radio City Music Hall, after his mother Helen went into labor during the grand opening of the show premiering that night. He worked as an installer for Werner & Sons Windows & Insulation for awhile with my dad Ken, who was the GM. After growing up & apart, I could tell they really enjoyed being together again every day & working together. Bob was a prideful craftman in his work.  I loved seeing him there because he was the “cool uncle”.  He was amazing on the grill too… I remember him doing onions wrapped in foil with butter salt & pepper & they were the greatest things ever, and I was young, so that impressed me.  That was when he married Ruth, who recently contacted me about this site.  She’s got some stories to share & I’m looking forward to them!

Bob also served in the Army, though that was I think short-lived.  Rumor has it he rolled a tank while on maneuvers, & he promptly decked his commanding officer for giving him grief about it.  I wasn’ there, but if there’s was one man other than Uncle Gerry I wouldn’t want to take a punch from in the face, it was Uncle Bob.

To see the pictures as a slideshow, embedded right here on the page, CLICK HERE.
The slideshow’ll play each picture for 6 seconds, then toss it away to reveal the next picture.
The only problem with doing that is, you can’t see any of the captions I wrote for the pictures; just the images themselves. Why it happens that way, I don’t know yet.

To view the pictures as THUMBNAILS (recommended), CLICK HERE.

Click any thumbnail image, and a manual slideshow, in sort of a “lightbox” overlay, will pop up.  You can then read the captions at the bottom of each picture, then click “Next” to eventually scroll through all of them.

If you have any pictures of Bob, please email them to me so that I can add them to his gallery:

Please try it out! We need more pictures if you have ’em!

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