It’s a conundrum… nothing excites me more these days, than when a family member (or potential one) reaches out to me. It’s gratifying that my efforts with this website are being discovered by people, and even better still when they actually contact me, like cousin Paul recently did.
But I have to admit, it’s disheartening much of the time. Because I’ve got all this enthusiasm for it, and I want to know everything they know & have them interact with me, in a way that’s probably a bit presumptuous. Because what I find happening, is people reaching out, starting this connection, and then it goes cold. I know life is life & there are certainly other priorities more important than the Juers Family website. But I get wrapped up in the excitement of the progress of it, and get a little sad when people stop talking. It could just be me…
I will elaborate on this more later, but you can probably get the gist of what I’m saying… I have a hurricane to prepare for, and it creates sort of an existential reflection about where you are with your family… and I want to be closer to mine than I’ve ever been… It is happening, but sometimes its just happens at a snail’s pace. I guess I just worry because I’m not my daughter’s age. I’m 51, not 28. Snails pace is not good enough for me because the future isn’t guaranteed to anyone.
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